
Legal Grounds for Full Child Custody

In the past, the legal system assumed that mothers were the best caregivers. As such, mothers had the upper hand in child custody cases. However, this is not the situation nowadays, and both parents have an equal chance of winning child custody. The courts primarily base their decision on the child’s best interest. In Utah,

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Filing divorce

Military Divorce: Pension, Child Support, and Legal Assistance

The unique legal issues surrounding divorce in military families affect how assets like pay and retirement pay are distributed to each spouse. A divorce lawyer familiar with the laws and factors surrounding military divorce can provide guidance, general information, and legal counsel for both the military member and their spouse. Division of Military Pensions The

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Getting a Pre-Nuptial Agreement from Family Solicitors in Portsmouth

Pre-nuptial agreements are a well-known facet of the lifestyles of the famous and super rich. When one or both partners have several million in the bank and a few homes dotted around the globe, chances are they will want to protect their assets before marriage. But it’s not just the uber-wealthy that arrange pre-nups these

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