Vincent Malcolm

Vincent Malcolm, a dynamic legal professional, thrives on empowering individuals through the intricate maze of law. As an accomplished attorney, he brings an exceptional depth of expertise to the table. Vincent's adeptness spans diverse realms, including civil law, contracts, property rights, family matters, and tort. Renowned for his insightful and pragmatic approach, he is passionately committed to delivering clear and concise guidance, demystifying complex legal concepts. With a distinct talent for making the law accessible, Vincent stands as an unparalleled authority, bridging the gap between individuals and their legal needs with unwavering dedication.

car accident

Laws Protecting People From Car Accidents

Laws such as seatbelts, speed limits, distracted driving, and drunk driving are imposed to protect people from car accidents. NHTSA reported that in 2019 36,096 people died in motor vehicle crashes nationwide. Driver error and negligence are the leading causes of car accidents in the US. Autonomous vehicle laws, driver vision tests, stricter child seat […]

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man looking over the window

How To Take Legal Action Against Stalking Behavior

Take immediate action to protect yourself by reporting the stalker’s actions to the authorities and seeking legal advice promptly. Thoroughly document every instance of stalking for robust legal evidence. Securing a restraining order is a powerful measure to safeguard against any additional harm caused by the stalker. Collaborate with local law enforcement to enhance security

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agent handing house keys

Understanding the Top Five Laws Protecting Property Owners in the U.K.

The Landlord and Tenant Act 1985 outlines tenants’ rights and landlords’ responsibilities. The Housing Act 2004 sets out minimum legal standards for rented housing in the UK. The Control of Asbestos Regulations requires landlords to manage asbestos risks. The Data Protection Act regulates how landlords collect, store, and process personal data. Smoke and Carbon Monoxide

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Common Legal Issues You Might Encounter With Your Extended Family Members

Trust disputes can arise after the death of a relative, and it is essential to seek advice from a trust attorney. Power of attorney documents can cause conflict if the agent is accused of misusing their power. Grandparents, aunts, uncles, and other relatives may step in to care for children if the parent is unable

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What You Need To Know in Managing a Unionized Workplace

Collective bargaining agreements (CBAs) outline terms and conditions of employment, and employers must negotiate in good faith to remain compliant. Disciplinary actions must be justified, non-discriminatory, and in accordance with the CBA’s procedures. Strikes and lockouts are regulated by the NLRB and should not involve violence or intimidation. Employers must withhold union dues from employee

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Avoiding the sex offender’s register with the help of a sexual offence solicitor

A sexual offence investigation may be one of the most traumatic situations that you find yourself in. It can affect all aspects of your life, including your livelihood, your finances, your relationships with friends and family, your social reputation and your mental health and well-being. It can be emotionally challenging for even the strongest of

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An introduction to no-fault divorce

A divorce is a legal process of ending a marriage that has been held for 12 months or longer, and in most countries, it requires a valid reason for the dissolution of the marriage. In the past, couples had to prove that their spouse was guilty of adultery, abuse, or abandonment to obtain a divorce;

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neighbor being noisy

Conflict with Neighbors: How Susceptible Are You?

Neighborly disputes are common, ranging from noise pollution to shared boundary issues. Research zoning laws, consider litigation services, and communicate openly with neighbors to prevent conflicts. Be civil and maintain mutual respect and understanding to promote a safe environment in the neighborhood. Stay aware of local laws and regulations to avoid potential legal issues. Take

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