If you were married in Colorado, there is a certain way of finding out whether you or your spouse is qualified for spousal maintenance. A divorce lawyer in Colorado Springs, CO, may guide you in determining the right amount.
Alimony Survey
An American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers (AAML) survey of divorce attorneys showed that 45% of respondents noticed the increase in women who pay alimony in the last three years. This trend reflected a shift in traditional roles during a divorce, when men usually picked up the tab for spousal support, according AAML president Madeline Marzano-Lesnevich.
The law generally requires the spouse with a higher income to provide financial support to their ex-partners. The survey also showed that more mothers also provide child support, based on insights from 54% of the respondents.
Colorado Law
A divorce attorney may not only help you with getting the best settlement offer, but also understand how the law works in your state. In Colorado, a court may grant a temporary alimony deal for a couple who earns up to $75,000 of combined annual gross salaries.
A long-term spousal support deal may be in place when the combined salaries exceed the threshold. The spouse with a lower income should also be able to prove that they have no property under their name, or have no means to find a job due to taking care of a child with special needs.
Times have changed as women now hold more higher-paying jobs, so couples those who are embroiled in a divorce settlement should seek competent legal counsel. When choosing a divorce attorney, it’s better to hire someone who has extensive knowledge in all aspects of matrimonial law.