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The Importance of Knowing Your Rights

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The Bill of Rights is the first ten amendments of the United States Constitution. It is a declaration meant for all U.S. citizens, a show of their unalienable legal and civil rights. It is what they’re entitled to as a sovereign citizen. Unfortunately, over 37% of Americans do not know their rights. That means trouble.

Rights are essential to know because they allow you to live with dignity and freedom. They allow you to live without the fear of oppression.

Should there be any question about your rights, there are plenty of ways to learn about them and how they work for you. Places like Kent, Washington have many criminal defense firms to protect you from prosecution. Likewise, these same law firms will allow you to pursue legal action against any violators. Take your rights seriously.

The Ten Amendments

Below are the Ten Amendments, summarized to make their understanding easier. They may seem overly complicated, but they’re essential to know and remember.

In the First Amendment, the Bill of Rights guarantees your freedom of speech. It ensures your freedom of religion, the freedom of the press, your freedom to assemble as a group, and the freedom to approach the government.

The Second Amendment protects your right to bear and carry firearms. It allows you to handle them as long as you do so correctly.

The Third Amendment is about the protection of your property from the law and soldiers. It protects you from the potential abuse of the military during peacetime.

The Fourth Amendment is centered around your right to privacy. It prevents unreasonable searches and guarantees the security of your home.

The Fifth Amendment guarantees your right to life, liberty, and property. No man may knowingly take them from you. No same case can be filed against you twice.

The Sixth Amendment is your rights as the accused. It speaks of your rights to a speedy and fair trial, free from persecution.

The Seventh Amendment is about your right as a citizen in civil cases. It allows you to settle disputes between other citizens in court, and take legal action against another.

The Eighth Amendment speaks against cruel and unusual punishment. It protects you from torture and suffering fines beyond your financial capabilities.

The Ninth Amendment protects your other rights from being broken, even if unmentioned in the Constitution. The government cannot take your rights away in new bills. It cannot create other amendments to nullify these rights. Other people also cannot break these rights.

The Tenth Amendment gives all other power the government doesn’t own back to its states. It guarantees the sovereignty and independence of each state.

Why the bill of rights is important

To the uninformed reader, the Bill of Rights might seem excessive, but its importance cannot be understated. The Bill of Rights is a written agreement between the government and its citizen. It protects you from others, and from the government itself.

You don’t have to memorize these to the letter, but remembering them will help you identify when your rights are being breached. Remember, these are here to guarantee your safety and prevent abuse. Know them. Learn them. They will keep you safe.

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