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Learn About Your Rights as a Senior Citizen

a lawyer and an elderly woman
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As you age, it’s essential to be aware of your rights and what resources are available. Too many seniors are taken advantage of, and it’s necessary to know how to protect yourself.

This article will discuss some of the most important things that you need to know as a senior citizen and provide information on how to get help if you need it. So whether you’re just starting on your golden years or a seasoned veteran, read on to learn more.

1. Social Security

As a senior citizen, you have the right to receive social security benefits. If you are retired, you may be eligible for retirement benefits. If you are disabled, you may qualify for disability benefits. When you become a senior citizen, you should contact the Social Security Administration to find out what benefits you are entitled to and how to apply for them.

But social security isn’t just for retirement. If you are a senior citizen and become widowed, you may be eligible for survivor benefits. And if you are the caregiver for a child under the age of 16 or a disabled adult, you may also qualify for benefits.

Depending on your situation, you may be able to receive benefits from more than one social security program. Talk to a representative from the Social Security Administration to find out what you need to do to receive benefits.

2. Medicare

Medicare is a health insurance program for people 65 and older, under 65 with specific disabilities, and people of any age with End-Stage Renal Disease (ESRD). If you qualify for Medicare, you can choose to enroll in Original Medicare (Part A and Part B) or a Medicare Advantage Plan (Part C).

Medicare Part A covers hospital expenses, while Medicare Part B covers doctor’s visits and other outpatient services. Medicare Part C is a private health insurance plan that provides all the benefits of Parts A and B, plus additional benefits such as vision, dental, and more.

Original Medicare does not cover all medical expenses, so you may need to purchase a supplemental insurance plan, known as Medigap, to help cover the costs that Medicare doesn’t. If you’re not sure what Medicare plan is right for you, contact the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) to get more information.

3. Abuse and Neglect

Sadly, seniors are often the victims of abuse and neglect. If you are being abused or neglected, it’s essential to know that you have the right to get help.

There are many types of elder abuse, including physical, emotional, sexual, financial, and neglect. If you are being abused, you should first contact a local elder abuse hotline.

If you suspect that someone you know is being abused and taken advantage of, you can also contact the hotline to get more information on what to do. Elder abuse is a severe problem, and it’s crucial to get help if you or someone you know is a victim. You can talk to an elder financial abuse attorney if you need help or more information.

4. Housing and Discrimination

As a senior citizen, you have the right to safe and affordable housing. If you feel like you’re being discriminated against because of your age, you can file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).

Age discrimination is against the law, and it’s essential to know your rights. Contact HUD to file a complaint if you think you’re being discriminated against. Start by looking for an attorney that specializes in housing discrimination. You may also want to contact a local senior citizen’s advocacy group for help.

5. Retirement Plans

If you have a retirement plan through your employer, you want to ensure that your money is safe. As a senior citizen, you have the right to receive information about your retirement plan and how it’s being managed.

You should also know that you have the right to file a complaint if you think your retirement plan is being mismanaged. The Department of Labor can help you file a complaint and get the information you need about your retirement plan.

Depending on your situation, you may also be able to get help from an attorney. Some attorneys specialize in retirement planning, so they may be able to help you with your specific situation. They can also help you understand your rights and what you can do to protect your retirement savings.

As a senior citizen, you have many rights protected by law. It’s essential to know your rights to get the help you need if you are being abused, discriminated against, or taken advantage of. If you have any questions or concerns, you should contact an attrney or a local senior citizen’s advocacy group for help.

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